Cleanliness is next to Godliness
Today is a holiday. I'm spending it by cleaning my room. It's my bi-annual cleaning which means it takes several hours and is quite labor-intensive. My mother is camping this weekend so I haven't had to deal with her nagging and guilt-trips and constant questions about what I'm doing. It's quite lovely. I also got to watch a horror movie the other night on the big TV. Every once in a while during my cleaning I get the feeling that I should be at a BBQ or something with others. But then I think about how much progress I've made on my room and I think that it's okay that I'm inside cleaning on a holiday. And I'm used to being left out. During my cleaning I went through the boxes under my bed and realized that there were a whole bunch of sweaters and long-sleeved shirts that would have been useful this past winter. That's why I don't like under-the-bed boxes for clothing cause I forget that they're there and have stuff I could wear. But it's currently inevitable since I live in a 12'x10' room. All space must be utilized to capacity. Sometimes I look around my room and wonder what investigators would think if I was ever killed and they were searching my room for clues. I have 8 bottles of body lotion on my window sill. What would they infer from that? I have a fake skull next to a statue of the Virgin Mary on my television. Oh, and the Virgin Mary statue has a pink mini-boa around her neck. I have a cross with dirt from the Holy Land hanging on one wall and posters about sex and drinking on another wall (promoting it, just in case you were confused).