The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Don't spill your drink, buddy!

I was working on my ridiculously huge assignment for my Reading Class earlier. Unfortunately when I was trying to write down key concepts for my Concept Process Analysis portion, I reached for my wine glass without looking and I missed. So the wine went spraying everywhere, especially on all my work. So I had to stop and lay all my papers out to dry. I wonder if the professor will notice that my assignment smells like Chardonnay. This just proves once again that multi-tasking is not my specialty. I also found out where Stan the Spider has been the last few days. I saw him in Raffi's room on the wall when I was changing Raffi's litter today. Stan the Spider appeared on the scene a few months ago in my bathroom. Usually he doesn't bother me but the other day he was on the shower curtain when I wanted to take a shower and that is unacceptable. I think he got the hint cause since he's now hiding out in Raffi's room.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

My children need wine!

I had a party for my birthday (11/12) the other night. I think people had fun, I know that I had a good time. There was a good number of people there but no boy in my bed at the end of the night. :( Raffi hid under the computer desk for most of the party. He's such a loner. This week I'm working on this stupid project for my Teaching Reading class. It sucks double for me cause I have to translate all my stuff from French to English. I talked to Detective Demeck the other day about my attempted robbery case, they don't really have anything new. He has surveillance tapes from Sears showing me buying stuff and then showing me leave but they can hardly tell it's me in the parking lot video cause it was dark. They're trying to figure out if the guy marked and stalked me or if it was luck of the draw when he was in the parking lot and saw me. Je suis le pain.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Life kicks my ass

A guy tried to rob me at gunpoint tonight. I had gone to the mall to buy a cute top for my birthday party, which is tomorrow night since tomorrow is my birthday. I found a shirt at Deb's and was in the parking lot when it happened. I had just gotten into my car and the door was clicking closed when I saw a large blob out of the corner of my eye. Next thing a guy in a ski mask is opening my door and demanding my purse. At first I thought it was some kind of joke and asked if he was kidding. He replied, "I'm serious. Just give me the purse and I won't have to use this gun." Then I saw the semi-automatic (I later learned it was a semi-automatic when I talked to the police) in his right-hand. I couldn't believe that this was happening to me and I was reaching for my purse I was thinking of what a hassle it would be to cancel my credit cards and then I thought about how the gun was pointed at my stomach and if he did shoot me that I could most likely survive a gunshot to the stomach and might even lose some weight, then I thought about how I was parked in a shopping mall parking lot with tons of cars around and people going in and out and so I just laid on my horn and the guy ran off. I called 911 right away and the police came and took my statement. then they dusted the driver door for finger prints at the police station and I had to go back to the mall cause they had a suspect. I don't think it was the guy though, the guy who tried to rob me was heavier. Everyone I talk to says that it was a really smart move to sound the car horn but I think it was a risky move. I'm really jumpy now and don't want to go out alone again at night. I'm definitely not going shopping at night again. I can't believe that this happened the night before my birthday.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

A little action for the lady, please?

Is it pathetic that I really, really, REALLY want to make out with Steve again? He's just such a good kisser...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Vote for Horseface!

today is the big election between Dubya and John Kerry. I really hope that Kerry wins. I don't know if I can survive another four years of George W. Bush. And proposal 2, making marriage only between a man and a woman, is on the ballot too. that proposal just sickens and appalls me. Fifty years ago the government told people that blacks and whites couldn't get married and now people would revolt if the government suggested it. But it's okay if they say that two men can't get married. It makes me really mad. I have to go break something.

Monday, November 01, 2004

I love kissing cute boys

I went to a fabulous Halloween party this past weekend and I dressed up as Karen Walker from Will and Grace. I wore my black wraparound top that makes my cleavage look great. Towards the end of the night I made out with Austin's housemate Steve. I wish I knew his last name...but anyways it was fabulous and so much fun! I thought that he was passed out and was just going to bother him by shaking his bed but was quite pleased with the turn of events. Mmmmmmmmmm...cute boys are yummy. Maybe we can make-out again sometime. That would be nice. Very nice indeed.