I'm so SUPER excited for the CBS Sunday movie "Shark Attack:Spring Break" with the chick from The O.C. ! I'm also excited for the new show with Tim Daly cause I've always thought he was unobviously cute (I don't think I expressed that right, he's cute but not in an over the top or cocky way, you know?) and very amusing. It looks like one of those shows that will be either really good or really lame. So, let's hope it's good and I don't look like a dim-witted fool in a few months.
My mother had a party the other night where nobody drank the beer she had bought. So she gave it to me cause she didn't have room in her fridge and she only drinks beer on obscenely hot summer days. So I now have 24...wait, I'm drinking one right now so make that 23 beers in my fridge. OH HAPPY DAY!!! It's like Christmas in July! Except that it's March and close to Easter. Whenever she offers leftover beer to me I have to seem interested but not too excited cause I don't want her to think I'm a lush. I keep oscillating (i'm not sure if that's the right word, it makes me think of a fan) between wanting to share the beer with my peeps and wanting to drink it all myself.
At Family Dinner the other day my mother was telling people about a conversation she had with a fellow parishioner. Him and his wife are family friends and one of their sons graduated with my brother and another son was 2 years ahead of me in school and was in Youth Group with me in high school. Anywho, he was remarking to her that every week or so I seem to bring a new guy to church (but not replacing anyone, just adding) and our pew is becoming my mother, me and then several young men. I thought this was fabulous and was so excited that people in my church believe that I have the power to lure cute young men to church until Young Catechist pointed out that he's the one actually bringing the cute boys cause it's his roommate and various guys his roommate picks up the night before that have been attending and sitting in our pew of late. I scolded Young Catechist for popping my happy bubble and made him say ten Hail Marys.
In case you missed it, Young Catechist's roommate is also gay. I think I'm becoming a fag hag. Is that PC? Probably not, knowing my luck. I would be fine with this except I think fag hags are charactized as being fat.
22 beers. I just opened another one. My peeps should speak now or forever hold their peace if they want to partake in the Trish B. Beer. TBB. Ha. That tickles me. Hmmmmmm...it seems that my tolerance has gone down.