Sunday, October 30, 2005
I still have work to do on my classroom management plan. In case you've never had to make a classroom management plan, they're very tedious and frustrating and full of lots of little details. When I was driving home from Family Dinner, I was thinking to myself, "I hope that Desperate Housewives is a repeat so I can get some of this work done." But deep down I really wanted it to be a new episode so I could procrastinate. Then I saw Jackie's blog and she's all, "I'm disappointed that DH is a repeat." So then I was all, "Crap! Now I have no excuse to not work on this thing." But then I was looking at the TV guide and saw that Vampire Bats (starring Lucy Lawless, aka Xena: Warrior Princess) was on tonight and I was like, "Awesome! Cheesy made-for-TV horror movie AND an excuse to procrastinate!" Life is good. I'm sure that I'll hate myself tomorrow at 11pm as I'm scrambling to finish my classroom management plan, but for now, life is good.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Making the Grade
I'm working on my classroom management plan today and right now I'm making my grading scale. Who knew that making a grading scale could be so difficult? Should a score of 90 be an A- or B+? I've been struggling with this decision, which is only 1 decision out of about 26, for the last half hour. And how low should I go before giving an F? Anything below 60? Or is that too harsh? Anything below 55?
This is what I always do. I worry too much about the little things. I just need to make the scale and move on. Perhaps I'll share my final grading scale later. Cause I know you're all dying to know what constitutes an F with the Wixom Vixen.
This is what I always do. I worry too much about the little things. I just need to make the scale and move on. Perhaps I'll share my final grading scale later. Cause I know you're all dying to know what constitutes an F with the Wixom Vixen.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Tuna's #1 Enemy
The woman responsible for supplying me with an ever-ready supply of tuna, Trish the Dish.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Mrs. Name
There's some guy running for some office in some city that is near me. I keep seeing his campaign posters when I'm driving home from work. His last name is Sexauer and I'm not sure of the correct pronunciation but I like to think it's pronounced like "sex hour", which is an absolutely FABULOUS last name! I've always said that I'm not going to take my husband's last name when I get married (I actually think he should take mine) but if his last name was pronounced like "sex hour" then I would TOTALLY take it.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Stock Advice
Remember that previous post I wrote about all the tuna? Well, I was finishing up the pictures I had left from the camera I got for the Birthday Extravaganza and decided to take a picture of my cans of tuna. So, here it is. Go ahead, count the cans.

Early Birthday Present
My cooperating teacher was gone today and she'll be gone again tomorrow. She's at a workshop type thing and so I'm teaching 2nd, 3th, and 4th hours all on my own for the days that she's gone. But there's a still a sub for the other hours since I'm not there the whole day. The sub for tomorrow is my cooperating teacher's pre-student teacher from a couple years ago. She wasn't sure who the sub would be for today. So, I get to the school this morning and I'm hoping it's not some really annoying person. I walk in the classroom and sitting at the desk is INCREDIBLY CUTE BOY from my methods classes! Can you believe my fabulous luck? And after watching me teach 2 of the classes he told me that I was doing really good and he looked quite impressed. I almost swooned.
Instead I momentarily lost all power of speech as I stared at his beautiful face and imagined how good-looking our children would be.
Instead I momentarily lost all power of speech as I stared at his beautiful face and imagined how good-looking our children would be.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Pousse l'ananas
My birthday is in a month. I had pretty much decided that I wasn't going to have a party this year. The last party I threw was mediocre (in my opinion) and the Wixom Vixen can't have a reputation for throwing mediocre parties. So I figured the obvious solution was to not throw any more parties until I had the means to make sure the party is fabulous and legendary. I've also been feeling like there's not really that much to celebrate. Just another year older with nothing to show for it.
But this past weekend Beckie was telling me something that had me reconsidering my resolution to not throw a party. Then she told me my apartment is too small for a party. That girl is confusing. Darn lawyer speak. But before she jumps down my throat for misreprentin' her message, she suggested I find somebody with a house to host the party for me. When I mentioned that idea to Joeboo, he laughed so hard that wine came out of his nose.
I'm still craving Mama Rosa's pizza.
But this past weekend Beckie was telling me something that had me reconsidering my resolution to not throw a party. Then she told me my apartment is too small for a party. That girl is confusing. Darn lawyer speak. But before she jumps down my throat for misreprentin' her message, she suggested I find somebody with a house to host the party for me. When I mentioned that idea to Joeboo, he laughed so hard that wine came out of his nose.
I'm still craving Mama Rosa's pizza.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
The Family Tree with Melons
I babysat my little sister last night. We started off by deciding what to do for dinner. My father had given me $20 to go somewhere and get something to eat. Score! So I ask Sarah if she wants pizza or McDonalds or something else and she says that she wants leftover macaroni and cheese. I explain to her that her decision is displeasing to me because Sissy rarely gets to eat out and she should choose pizza or McDonalds. And I stress the pizza option cause I really want Mama Rosa's pizza. But she insists on leftover macaroni and cheese. It's so typical of her, only thinking of herself and what she wants instead of considering others. She reminds me of someone else I know but I can't quite place my finger on who at the moment.
Next we played Barbie's Fashion Designs on the computer. Barbie is a fashion designer and you have to create 3 outfits for 3 different events. You choose the style (dress, shirt and pants, etc) and then choose the color or pattern and then can add special touches. The special touches were things like hearts, stars, or a big lion's head. I liked putting the lion's head on the butts of the outfits. I also liked putting contrasting patterns so that Barbie will get fired as a designer. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be part of the program. She responds to every outfit positively saying "how great it will be for the fashion show!". Stupid Barbie. Get a real job!
Then we decided to watch a movie. I asked Sarah what we were going to watch and she starts singing a song from "The Nightmare Before Christmas" which we watched last time I babysat. So I told her that we had watched that last time and to choose something else. She actually complied (shocking!) and chose Scooby-Doo. Yay. It was one of the newer ones though and was actually kindof entertaining and funny. My father and stepmother have a couch in the basement (where the TV is) that folds out to a bed and they always have the bed out and made. So we're laying there on the fold-out bed watching Scooby-Doo and Sarah cuddles up next to me and puts her head on my shoulder. Then she puts her hand on my boob. So I wait a second for her to realize and move her hand but she starts patting my boob. So I look at her and say, "What are you doing? Why are you touching my boob?" She smiles and giggles and then replies, "I like playing with your boobs." If only I had a dollar for every time a person has said that to me.
Next we played Barbie's Fashion Designs on the computer. Barbie is a fashion designer and you have to create 3 outfits for 3 different events. You choose the style (dress, shirt and pants, etc) and then choose the color or pattern and then can add special touches. The special touches were things like hearts, stars, or a big lion's head. I liked putting the lion's head on the butts of the outfits. I also liked putting contrasting patterns so that Barbie will get fired as a designer. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be part of the program. She responds to every outfit positively saying "how great it will be for the fashion show!". Stupid Barbie. Get a real job!
Then we decided to watch a movie. I asked Sarah what we were going to watch and she starts singing a song from "The Nightmare Before Christmas" which we watched last time I babysat. So I told her that we had watched that last time and to choose something else. She actually complied (shocking!) and chose Scooby-Doo. Yay. It was one of the newer ones though and was actually kindof entertaining and funny. My father and stepmother have a couch in the basement (where the TV is) that folds out to a bed and they always have the bed out and made. So we're laying there on the fold-out bed watching Scooby-Doo and Sarah cuddles up next to me and puts her head on my shoulder. Then she puts her hand on my boob. So I wait a second for her to realize and move her hand but she starts patting my boob. So I look at her and say, "What are you doing? Why are you touching my boob?" She smiles and giggles and then replies, "I like playing with your boobs." If only I had a dollar for every time a person has said that to me.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Memory Overload
I'm having trouble learning all the names of the students in my pre-student teaching classes. There are apx. 80 students whose names I need to learn. I think I've got 10 down so far. And it's doubly difficult cause they all have French names plus their real names. Some of them are similar to their actual names so it's easy. Like Andrea's French name is Andree. But Matt's French name is Oscar. How am I supposed to remember that?
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Let's Scare Jessica to Death
My father and stepmother are going on a ten day vacation to Tuscany in Italy and departing on October 14th. They're leaving my little sister behind. While they're gone, my stepmother's mom (my stepgrandmother?) will be watching Sarah. Sarah's been fine with this up until a few days ago when she realized that the vacation was quickly approaching and her mother would be leaving her for ten days. So when I was over the other night we were all in the kitchen and Sarah was throwing a little tantrum about the upcoming trip and saying that she wanted to go. My father nipped that thought in the bud tout de suite. So then as she's thrashing around on the floor, Sarah wails, "I wish Sissy was watching me instead of Grandma!" After they revived me with some smelling salts, I told Sarah that it's not very nice to scare your sister unconscious.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Fuzzy Memory
I think I drunk-dialed Dan last night. I love the Denny's Sampler. It's Greasy Goodness. Don't tell my dad that I ate at Denny's. He's get mad when I do that. And nobody is safe and/or happy when Joeboo is mad.
Raffi is acting very strange today and making me nervous.
I went to the Necto last night to celebrate Ryan's birthday and party with The Gays. It was a fabulous good time. I loved not having to worry about impressing guys and not having to suck in my stomach the whole night.
Raffi is acting very strange today and making me nervous.
I went to the Necto last night to celebrate Ryan's birthday and party with The Gays. It was a fabulous good time. I loved not having to worry about impressing guys and not having to suck in my stomach the whole night.