I gave blood on Wednesday this week. Yesterday I was really tired and dragging and so I called my mother (she's a nurse). I asked her if giving blood would have anything to do with being tired and she goes, "Of course it does, darling! You gave away a pint of the good stuff!" I was amused by the fact that she referred to my blood as "the good stuff". It gave me an image of ordering a drink at a restaurant. The waiter comes up and is all,
waiter: Good Evening, ma'am. Can I start you off with something to drink?
Trish the Dish: Oh, that would be lovely. Give me some of the good stuff.
Waiter: Of course, our house special this evening is a delicious O- but we also have a lovely B+ Reserve.
Trish the Dish: I simply love those B's. I'll take a glass of the B+ Reserve.
Waiter: Excellent.
The second part of this post is a plea to all my readers to give blood if possible. We are at dangerously low levels. Just think if you or someone you loved were in an accident and needed blood. It only takes an hour of your time and if you go to Red Cross you can get free passes to certain events like Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle or the Renaissance Festival. I'll even go with you and hold your hand if you want. For those who are in Southeast Michigan I'm giving the link to the Red Cross site where you can find a location near you and make an appointment.
American Red Cross Southeastern Michigan