The Adventures of the Wixom Vixen

A woman of mystery. A woman with big boobies. A woman who likes cheese sticks.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Coming into Focus

In honor of Memorial Day and the plethora of BBQ's occuring's another picture from Mike's previous BBQ.

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Jackie, The Wixom Vixen, and Sarah. This picture was taken right after someone told us a f**king hilarious dead baby joke.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Das Panic

I just got my German study guide in the mail this weekend for the German Proficiency test I'm taking on July 9th (already registered and paid for). I'm screwed. I just read a sample question and the only word I understood was mit. What made me think that I could relearn German in a month? I haven't spoken or written anything in German for over 6 years. I'm banging my head against the wall now at my own stupidity. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to pay $75 to take the test. And if I fail then I have to take it again in October and pay another $75. Gah! I feel like strangling myself!

Okay. Now that I've properly chastised myself, I think this can be done. I'm the Wixom Vixen, right? She's conquered nations and brought armies of men to their knees. Sure, only in her fantasies, but I think it's a starting point.

Ich bin die Wixom Vixen. Hört, dass mich brülle.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

I love cake!

A certain Zambian Pond-Creature from UAE made me rethink my 3 celebrity crushes. Was I simply answering with the expected cookie-cutter responses? I fall into that trap sometimes. Especially if I've been reading Dale Carnegie.

I used to have a HUGE crush on Glenn Danzig. During my "angry" phase. Even now that I'm older and have outgrown that schoolgirl crush, if I see him in a picture or on TV, I pause and look wistful for a moment. Ahh, Glenn.

Friday, May 27, 2005

The Drive to Cakedom

As I was driving home from work today I saw this guy in the left lane next to me driving a Reliant (sorry, I don't know what make Reliants are). He was kindof leaning to the left and his left arm was bent with his head resting on his hand. But then his right arm was stretched over the passenger side head rest and his right hand was dangling out of the back passenger window. And I thought to myself, "Jeez, how frickin' tall do you have to be to be able to do that?" And then I had another thought.

Remember the That 70's Show episode where Donna tells Eric that she loves him and he says, "I love...cake!"? I hope that someday some guy says he loves me so that I can profess my love of cake.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Silver Lining

The one thing I like about PMS is the fact that I can eat my weight in gold and not feel guilty. They're PMS calories! Those don't count! Weeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Bring on the chocolate-covered Munchos.

She's Like a Monet

Here's one of the pictures from the BBQ that I liked.'

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Monday, May 23, 2005


Stolen from Tess...

1. Jessica
2. Boots
3. Shortstop

1. ItalianVixen76
2. jmbuttiglieri
3. wixomvixen

1. boobs
2. eyes
3. smile

1. stomach
2. thighs
3. arms

1. Italian
2. Irish
3. Wine Merchants

1. guns
2. heights
3. my little sister with a book of matches

1. Diet Coke
2. jeans
3. Laughter

1. jeans
2. ill-fitting bra
3. purple socks with penguins on them

1. Cowboy Junkies
2. Chantal Kreviazuk
3. Pat Benatar

1. In This LIfe – Chantal Kreviazuk
2. At Last – Etta James
3. Tenderness – General Public

1. ?
2. ?
3. ?

TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE (in no particular order):
1. I’m left-handed
2. I don’t like mushrooms
3. I like mushrooms

1. Eyes
2. Shoulders
3. Les doigts

1. reading
2. taking quizzes online
3. paint by number

1. Money
2. Sleep
3. T.N.M.

1. Cardiologist
2. Teacher
3. Heiress

1. Martinique
2. anywhere that I can call the waiters/poolboys Enrique
3. New Zealand

1. Alejandro
2. Roberto
3. Samantha

1. Get out of debt
2. Have a wedding
3. Make my father like me

1. I love the color pink
2. I expect doors to be opened for me (and beer bottles)
3. I cry during sappy movies

1. Seth Green
2. Orlando Bloom
3. Michael Vartan

Le Week-End

Because I don't feel like reading about task-based's a recap.

Beckie came over Friday night and we chilled at my place. She helped me to figure out the Kodak software so I can post pictures of the BBQ. Unfortunately I didn't like any of them. Except one. Well, and that other one. But most of them were displeasing to me. For various reasons.

Saturday we celebrated Beckie's birthday. The Eastside Contingent started the night by heading downtown to Meghann's apartment where there was brie. There were also a bunch of law students who didn't seem to like brie so I got to eat a whole bunch of it. Then we went to Envy where I regretted eating mucho brie but I got to sit next to an adorably cute male specimen and felt much better. After leaving the club, we had to take home some guy that Susan had picked up and there were like 4 or 5 of us in the backseat. All I know is that Dingbat Dan had half his body weight resting on my thigh and I thought it was proper etiquette for the girl to be on top. Then Sarah convinced us to get White Castle which my stomach later rejected as being unsuitable for ingestion by the Wixom Vixen. I also fell off Sarah and Jackie's porch when I left their house cause I wasn't looking and didn't notice there was no step where my foot was heading. Sarah was like, "Oh my gosh! are you okay?!" And I tried to play it all cool and was like, "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Right as rain. Off I go." I did a very good job of not limping till she had gone back inside.

After waking up at 8am to rid my stomach of the offensive White Castle, I couldn't seem to drag myself out of bed later in the morning to go to church. I felt so bad that I decided to do a decade of the rosary. But I completed two and got distracted by how shiny my rosary is. Then Raffi tried to eat it. That cat has no respect for religious artifacts. Of course, I probably shouldn't have tied it around his tail. Then I had to go get a birthday present for Ruth since we were celebrating her and Miguel's birthday at Family Dinner. She requested "lots of presents" so I went to the Dollar Store. Family Dinner was uneventful. Zoe has returned to calling me Auntie and not Cake. I guess that I didn't remind her of a cake yesterday. Next time I see her she'll probably call me Toast or Grape. 3 year-olds. They're so odd sometimes. She does have my brother as a father which explains it somewhat.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Cartoon Raffi

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The infamous Raffster, aka Demon Spawn Cat, Fatty Poo, and Susan. Or, Raffi a la Van Gogh.


I was all excited earlier cause I went to pick up my pictures that were taken at the barbecue. I got them on a picture CD (which meant waiting 2 days cause it had to be sent out) so I could put some on my blog and the stupid Kodak software won't install. I'm on the brink of tears. Why does God hate me? Why can't I for once have something in my life go right? I'm going to go and curl up in the fetal postition on the floor now.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Retract those claws, Little Buddy (using the term Little very loosely)

Sometimes when I'm not at home, I think of something that I need to do once I get home. So I call and leave myself a message that'll remind me when I return home. I like to say hi to myself when I leave the message so it'll be like, "Hi Jessica. This is Jessica." And I also like to say hi to Raffi in case he's listening while I leave the message, so he hears, "Hi Raffi! Be a good kitty and don't try on my clothes when I'm not there. Mommy loves you!" I left myself a message this morning to remind myself about finding a journal article for my Methods class. So when I got home this evening I hit play and then walked a few feet away from the machine while it played the message. I looked over to where Raffi was sitting and he had this look of utter horror and confusion on his face. He kept looking from me to the machine and back to me again. His poor little kitty brain just couldn't comprehend how my voice was coming from 5 feet from where I was standing. I just started laughing at his expression and I think that made it worse. He just sat there and licked the wall for over an hour afterward. Of course, that is what he usually does on Thursday nights.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Go for door #1

I still don't know what to get Beckie for her birthday. I have a few ideas but they're all gifts that I've done in the past or that just seem too ordinary. I want to get her a really fabulous gift so when people ask what she got, she'll be like "I got some really great gifts but Jessica's was the absolute best!" See how I turned that around and made Beckie's birthday all about me? I'm good like that.

Maybe I'll write her a sonnet.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I deserve a Gold Star

I've had quite a productive evening. By The Wixom Vixen standards that is. There are those who might read this and go, "That's it? That's all she did and she considers it productive?!" And to you, I say, "ptthhhhhhhht."

1. I appled for financial aid for the 2005-2006 school year. And it's less than 3 months past the priority deadline! weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

2. I cleaned out my important documents holder-thingy where I found my passport and my preliminary MAT plan of work. I had been looking for that plan of work for quite some time and found out that graduate students are supposed to meet with their advisor and sign the official plan of work before completing 12 credits. I completed 16 credits last semester. weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

3. I drove to Best Buy to look for a cheap Learn German type computer program. They usually have German and French in the cheapy section but all they had was French. Which I was actually tempted to buy since I feel like I've gone down a whole proficiency level since I've haven't spoken French on a regular basis in over a year. And then I was looking at digital cameras (Beckie's birthday is coming up) and this really cute salesguy asked me if I needed help and I said no. So then he was all, "If you do have any questions, I'm Dan. I don't work on commission so I won't try to sell you anything." Then he flashed his gorgeous smile and I really wanted to reply, "Please, Dan, try to sell me something. I could use some excitement in my life right about now." But I just smiled and said nothing. And then I ran my tongue over my teeth after he had turned his back.

I thought Scorpios would be more like Vader but the lusty part certainly fits

Star Wars Horoscope for Scorpio">>You%20are%20a%20powerful%20character.You%20tend%20to%20be%20possessive%20and%20lusty%20-%20which%20explains%20your%20greedy%20nature.You%20feel%20threatened%20when%20people%20try%20to%20order%20you%20around%20or%20control%20you.You%20are%20prone%20to%20suspicion%20and%20jealousy%20-%20but%20your%20resilience%20and%20passion%20get%20you%20what%20you%20want.Star%20wars%20character%20you%20are%20most%20like:%20Han%20Solo

Sunday, May 15, 2005

You owe me an Acorn

Family Dinner was at Dave's tonight. He's a family friend of my father and stepmom and he's been coming to Family Dinner lately. His son is about the same age as my little sister. Anywho, when I arrived people were chilling in the living room and Jimmy Neutron was playing on the television. Nobody was really paying attention to the TV and I saw the remote so I changed it and found Smallville on some channel. All of a sudden everybody says that they were watching Jimmy Neutron and my father grabs the remote out of my hand and changes it back. So, being the mature adult that I am, I sulked for 5 seconds and then got up and declared, "I have to get something out of my car." I grabbed my purse and stalked out. My brother was watching from the door and when he saw me start my car and start to pull out he ran out and jumped in the car with me. We were close to our old high school so we went there and looked at the many improvements that have been completed since we went there. After we had already graduated of course. When we finally decided to head back to Family Dinner, the television had been turned off. Ruth said that the TV was taking a time-out since it has caused a problem.

My brother and I have some television issues. My Father believes that television is a communist plot to sap the lifeblood of the American youth, so we weren't allowed to watch television when we were little. And when my parents got divorced and we were able to watch whenever we wanted, it was like being let loose in the candy store. We wanted everything. And now if I have control of the television and I lose that control, then I go ballistic. I have to leave. If I stayed it would be like losing the war and then hanging out with the people that just kicked your ass. Why would you want to do that? No, you have to go and regroup and plot revenge. So basically, if you're ever at my place don't change the channel. You will encounter an angry Wixom Vixen and she's not pleasant. She's downright vicious. You don't get the nickname Dagger in high school for being amiable and cheery.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

I'll take the Killer Salad, emotion on the side, please


You are an

That means you are a proffessional and do your
job without mixing any emotions in it. In your
life you have probably been hurt many times and
have gotten some mental scars. This results in
you being distant from people. Though many
think that you are evil, you are not. What you
really are is a person, trying to forget your
pain and past. You are the person who never
seems to care and that is why being an assassin
fits you good. Atleast, that's what people
think. Even if you don't care that much for
your victims, you still have the ability to
care and to generally feel. It is not lost,
just a little forgotten. In crowds you tend to
not get to noticed, and dress in black or other
discrete colours. You don't being in the
spotlight and wish people would just leave you
alone. But once you do get close to someone you
have a hard time letting go and get real down
if you loose him/her.

Main weapon: Sniper
Quote: "The walls we build around
us to keep out the sadness also keep out the
joy" -Jim Rohn
Facial expression: Narrowed eyes

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures + detailed answeres]
brought to you by

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I'm going blind

I heard this little snippet this morning on the radio about May being National Masturbation Month and I was intriqued. So I decided to do some research online to see if this was true. And after sorting through the numerous porn sites I found actual evidence that May is indeed, National Masturbation Month. And it seems that May 7 was National Masturbation Day. I can't believe I missed it! I'm so distraught. I need to do something to make me feel better...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger

I am now sitting in a fog of "other ingredients". That's what 99.75% of the bug spray I'm using is. The other 0.25% is permethrin, which doesn't seem to be affecting these tiny little bugs that are flitting around my computer screen but is making my eyes water. Maybe I should stop spraying it in front of my face. The window screens in my apartment are really crappy so I get bugs coming inside when it gets dark and I have lights on but I love having the windows open on a night like this. I'm between a rock and a hard place. It's six and half a dozen of the other. Choose your favorite fitting phrase. So I keep a can of bug spray handy and just spray it around the computer screen every few minutes. That's my current solution. And it seems to be affecting me more than the bugs. This morning there was huge ugly yellow spider on my shower curtain. I think this is how those bug horror movies start.

I would lose my head if it wasn't attached to my neck

I'm supposed to be thinking of interview questions for Chris and I keep forgetting. I'm sorry, Christophe. I would say I'll do them now but I'll probably get distracted again. I will definitely have them by tomorrow morning. Well, probably.

The season finale of Veronica Mars is tonight! I'm so frickin' excited that I keep hugging Raffi and then he scratches me and knocks over the trash. And I think that people are getting together to watch it at Mike's and so I'll be able to see it without fuzzy lines and clear sound. Oh, Happy Day!

At 12:57 pm at work today, the computers went down. I leave at 1pm. I really dodged the bullet there!

Countdown to Veronica Mars: 3 hours..wait, no, I was right the first time...3 hours and 15 minutes or something like that.

I would lose my head if it wasn't attached to my neck

I'm supposed to be thinking of interview questions for Chris and I keep forgetting. I'm sorry, Christophe. I would say I'll do them now but I'll probably get distracted again. I will definitely have them by tomorrow morning. Well, probably.

The season finale of Veronica Mars is tonight! I'm so frickin' excited that I keep hugging Raffi and then he scratches me and knocks over the trash. And I think that people are getting together to watch it at Mike's and so I'll be able to see it without fuzzy lines and clear sound. Oh, Happy Day!

At 12:57 pm at work today, the computers went down. I leave at 1pm. I really dodged the bullet there!

Countdown to Veronica Mars: 3 hours..wait, no, I was right the first time...3 hours and 15 minutes or something like that.

Monday, May 09, 2005

I think I need a Minivan

I am:
"Congratulations, you're a swing voter. When they say 'Soccer Mom', they mean you. Every Democratic ad on the TV set was made just for your viewing enjoyment. Don't you feel special?"

Are You A Republican?

Sunday, May 08, 2005

And so it begins...again

I'd like to forewarn you that this post will not be the usual light-hearted and humorous fair of the Wixom Vixen. I'm sad. Not for any particular reason. I've just been feeling down for the last couple of weeks and I can't seem to find anything to make me happy. My mother wants me to go back on my medication. I was really hoping that this was something I could outgrow or get past but it seems that is not to be. Why do I need a drug to make me normal? Sometimes when I'm medicated and "normal" I forget how it is to be in this state but it's all coming back to me now. Crying at nothing and everything. Not being motivated to even move from my bed. Trying to concentrate on the people and lives that are going on around me and feeling like I'm looking through a fog. I'm so frustrated and lonely. But then I don't want to be around people cause I don't want to bring them down. And I want these things that make me needy and weak. Like a hug. Just a simple hug.

Okay. Don't worry, I'll try to be back to my usual self tomorrow. Nobody likes a downer. Turn that frown upside-down! There are people with worse problems and I have no right to be depressed. Look at that! I'm feeling better already. It could be the wine though.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Night of Hijinks

I opened my purse this morning and found a large stack of Berkley Front coasters. Which reminded me that I had stolen them from the bar last night in a spurt of drunken rebellion. My spurts of drunken rebellion are so lame. Most people get a tattoo or take home a random stranger but I steal coasters. And they're not even good coasters. They're just that cardboard crap that says "Beer. Good." I think I'll use them for Family Dinner tomorrow.

Then later, Austin, Dan and I left a drunken comment on Beckie's blog. It seems that technology is moving us from the drunken phone call to the drunken blog comment. I wonder if she'll figure out that it was us.

Friday, May 06, 2005

All paths lead to Acerbity

Work was horrendous today. This is one of those days when I wish that I had someone to come home to. Besides Raffi that is. Comfort is not a word in Raffi's vocabulary. The company I work for is ridiculous. They never tell us what's going on. I don't know how they can even call themselves a business. Some other shipping carrier went out of business yesterday and so suddenly today anyone who calls their number gets us. But nobody knows why. And so we keep getting these calls from people who want to know where their shipment is and we don't know. And then they ask why the number goes to us but we don't know. And this is the kind of thing that happens at my office ALL the time. It's so frickin' annoying. Oh, and then they tell us to go onto the other company's website cause it has info but we can't cause their site is blocked. At that point I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Paper Plates

I'm so tired and there's still so much more cleaning to do. I'm hosting Family Dinner this Sunday. My sister-in-law told me that all I have to cook is the main entree and everyone else will bring the rest of the meal. She even told me what to make and said, "It's simple. It's impossible to screw up." At first I thought people were bringing stuff to save me money but now I think they're afraid of my cooking. Which actually doesn't really bother me. And now my Father can stop complaining that he's never been invited to my place. I'm sure he'll find something else to complain about though.

Beckie's birthday is only a couple weeks away. I have to figure out what I'm going to get her. A little birdie told me that she really wants a spice rack. That little birdy is now sleeping with the little fishies. Ha!'s like a zoo! And then she hit the giraffe!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Interview: Answers to jonny-no-stars

Here are the answers to the questions posed by jonny-no-stars:

1) When you look through the mirror (not an Alice in Wonderland question), what do you see?

So if it’s not an Alice in Wonderland way then is it like a reflection thing? In that case, I see brown hair, brown eyes, brown eyebrows...and I like to smile at myself in the mirror so then I see my FABULOUS smile. And I’m not just being conceited, 24 old men have told me that I have a great smile.

2) I'll give you a choice. Either "How asymmetrical are you" or "Do and die, live or learn"; how true is this?

I’ll go with the first choice. Now, I think it depends where the line is but if we’re going by a bouncy ball then I would have to say that I am 54% asymmetrical.

3) Describe your friends and/or the members of your family without making reference to any obvious defining (e.g. physical) characteristics that would identify them. Could I then guess who they were were I to meet them?

Okay, here’s my family. My father is very authoritarian. He like’s to put people down and he’s “brutally” honest. He’s not into sports and he believes that television is a communist plot to sap the lifeblood of the American youth. People either love him or hate him. My mother is the nicest person in the world. Literally. She believes in fairness and sees the good in everyone. She cries during Hallmark commercials. My brother is a dork and adores his wife *cough* pussy-whipped *cough*. He likes to talk big but falls asleep in moving vehicles. My sister-in-law is very loud and bossy. She interupts people when they’re talking. My little sister is a brat. She doesn’t listen to anybody and refuses to share her toys. My step-mother loves my father.

4) Do you have a favourite (favorite) word? You may use that you like currently, if you are somewhat capricious, like me. Incomplete answers will require a complete rewrite.

I really love the word plethora. Ever since my friend Kristen and I discovered it back in high school, I’ve been enamored of it’s usefulness. You can throw into almost any conversation and it works.

5) The word 'saison' is very like the word 'raison'. Do you cook much (with raisins)?

No, I don’t cook much. With or without raisons. I try to avoid raisins cause they make me think of old people, they’re all shrivled and wrinkly. Yuck.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

MEME Questions

Okay people, here are your questions. The Wixom Vixen worked very hard on these questions and she now needs a drinky-drink. Please bring her a Mimosa tout de suite. And she doesn't like this cold and dreary weather in May so fix that too. Much obliged.

Questions for Mike:
1. What song do you like to play when it’s time to get busy?
2. Do you like owning a home?
3. If your life could be like any TV show, which show would you choose?
4. Sarah Michelle Gellar jumps into your car and tells you that the cops are after her and she desperately needs your help. What do you do?
5. Do you want to have children?

Questions for Beckie:
1. If you had a motto, what would it be?
2. Where/When would you like to be a fly on the wall?
3. If you went to Hogwarts, what house would you want to be in and why?
4. Do you ever wonder how your life would have been different if you had an older brother instead of an older sister? What about if you had been an only child? Does that count as two questions? Does that last question make it 3?
5. What would your evil twin be like?

Questions for Michelle:
1. Do you believe in fate?
2. What would your evil twin be like?
3. Why do you like horseback riding so much?
4. Several months ago one of my fillings came out and there’s now a whole in my tooth. Do you think I should get this taken care of or can I go several more months without doing anything?
5. Do you have any recurring dreams and/or nightmares?

Questions for Catwoman:
1. Do you believe in the Afterlife?
2. When was the last time you cried and why?
3. What are your thoughts on euthanasia?
4. What celebrity would play you in a movie?
5. When you go to the zoo, which animal do you see first?

Questions for Tess:
1. What was your favorite childhood toy?
2. What’s your favorite adult toy? (I don’t necessarily mean adult as in adult, interpret as you want)
3. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
4. What do you think of this MEME interview madness?
5. When/What was the happiest moment of your life?

Monday, May 02, 2005

MEME interview: Answers

Okay here are some answers. I know that others are waiting for their questions. I'm working on them. The Wixom Vixen likes to take her time.

Mike’s questions
1. Will you style of parenting be influenced by how you see your little sister being raised? And in what way?
Definitely. Children NEED discipline. You’re not doing them any favors by letting them do whatever they want and letting them walk all over you. You have to set boundaries and you have to mean it when you say no. It's okay if one of your decisions causes your child to not like you for a little while. It's not a popularity contest and you're not trying to make a friend. You're raising a child so that eventually they will be able to leave the nest and be a fully functioning responsible adult in society. Friendship will come later when they're old enough to appreciate and understand it.

2. Does size matter? Or is it only part of, ahem, getting the job done?
I think it’s mostly about getting the job done.

3. What plans do you have for summer, other than your class(es)?
None really. Going to the cottage for 4th of July. I'm very poor and plans usually include money.

4. Do you think Catholicism should be reformed and modernized?
Yes, I think Catholicism needs to catch up to the 21st century.

5. What TV star would you want to have lunch with and why?
Topher Grace. Cause he’s so cute and I love his dry sense of humor.

Ryan’s questions
1. Is there anyone you want to forgive you for something in the past but you don't think they will?
Jeez, where should I start? Yes. I’m sorry to Lars for being a horrible host-sister and driving him back to Germany. Lars, if you ever read this, I am so very, very sorry for how I acted. I hate myself when I think about the type of deplorable person I was to you.

2. Are you excited about Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince?
I am excited but I don’t think I’m as excited as you and Beckie. I’m hoping that Beckie reads it very quickly so I can borrow it.

3. Do you ever wish that you were back at the GM Card?
Actually I do sometimes. I think I miss the people mostly. I especially miss not seeing you everyday, that’s what I loved most about GM Card. I also miss speaking French everyday. I feel like I’m losing my French since I hardly speak it these days.

4. You are the Wixom Vixen, but you live quite far from Wixom, how does that work?
Yes, many people wonder about this. I believe that I evolved into my true Vixen status while living in Wixom and hence I’ll always be the Wixom Vixen even though I’ve left the fair city. And plus, Roseville Vixen doesn’t sound as cool.

5. My children need wine, can you recommend a good type of wine?
I've been a big fan of Shiraz lately. In terms of brands, I find that I enjoy all theYellow Tail wines, from Merlot to Chardonnay. My rule of thumb is to go with a cool name or label when in doubt, like yesterday at family dinner we had Kelly's Revenge Shiraz. The label had a red stick-figure person doing a kung-fu move and a black background.